====== Release Notes ====== A brief overview of each release can be found here. ===== Release 29 ===== Here are just the highlights for this release! New * Pedia System: Lockable/Passcoded Articles * Pedia System: Now creatable at Mission level * WebGL: Target Reticles/Directional Arrows * WebGL: Explosions * Galactic Map updates to stars/indicators * GM Screen: New Event Monitor pop out for mission builders * Objects: New Invincible/Immortal properties Updated * DMX revisions for dead serial connections * ZigBee device corrections for states * Z-Wave device monitoring revisions * Philips hue has improved Location functions * Websocket revisions to remove dead sessions Fixes * GM Screen: Player Details Now Correctly Update * New Factions no longer default to Black for their color * Inter-system FTL issues resolved * Transferring Cargo with in-flight vessels restricted * Dialog Group actions no longer fire more than once * image resource paths now corrected * Mission listing is correct after turning a Module on/off * Hardpoints no longer shift incorrectly on Damage Display ===== Release 25.1 ===== * Designer fixes for Event Actions * Map enhancement to allow for custom backdrops * Fixed a Zero-Cargo display issue * Fixed custom crew sizes ===== Release 25 ===== With this release, the focus was on squashing a few more bugs, but also expanding the GM tools to show real-time logs for objects/events/variables: * GM Log (Toggle Debug Mode from the 'Other' tab on the GM console to show more) * Web Sockets: Revised closing logic to help prevent stuck sessions * Regions: Fixed an issue with certain regions loading of mission data ===== Release 24 ===== * Flight: * New UI! * Scaling Option Added To Menu * Web Socket Revisions * Designer * Many Bug Fixes * Added New Actions For Pedia/IRIS Articles ===== Release 23 ===== * Tactical * New Contact Listing * Improved Laser Notifications * Improved Missile Management * Loadout View Moved To Weapon Status Screen * Lots of Small Bug Fixes