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Game Master Screen

This is the screen that the Game Master (GM) can use to interact with the players in the Horizons. This will probably become its own section later.


To be Filled out in GREAT DETAIL . . . . Later.

Bridge Stations : Flight | Tactical | Operations (Comms) | Science | Engineering | Captain
Ancillary Consoles/Displays : Center | Stellar Navigation | Stellar Body | Star System | Alert Status | Shield Status | Cargo Hold | Radar | IRIS
In Progress (Incomplete) Consoles/Displays : Crew Roster | Collision Alarm | Dashboard | Deck Status | Target | Scan | Vessel Status
Admin Consoles : Game Master | Mission Control | Mission Status | Designer

gameplay/stations/game_master.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/15 15:51 by hemacast